Best Director
Diamond Crenshaw
(Ramsay High School)
Best Actor
Nicholas Burroughs
(Shades Valley High School)
Best Producer
Paul Hawkins Jr.
(Woodlawn High School)
Best Supporting Actor
Charles Brooks
(Woodlawn High School)
Best Crew Chief
Justin Brown
(Restoration Academy Christian School)
Best Actress
Kayla Wheeler
(Hillview Elementary)
Best Supporting Actress
Kristen Ray
(Ramsey High School)
Best Cinematographer Brian Rhodes
(Flint Hill Christian)
2:59 is an intriging film about what happens when schools take religion and prayer out of school. Once the ability to pray is removed things in this school change drastically. Behaviors change and so does the education.
Peep This Entertainment / P.O. Box 611350 / Birmingham, AL 35261 / Email: / Site by Nancy Stricklin © 2011